Happy Mother’s Day!

As the mother of two grown sons, I can’t help but reflect on days gone by.  Special gifts and cards made by my little boy’s hands.  The following is a guest column I wrote for our local newspaper about twenty years ago:


Whatever you do, don’t blink!  Let me explain.  For more than half of my life I have been a wife and the mother of two sons.  I guess you could say that I’m a homemaker; cleaning toilets is my life—especially since the house majority happens to be male-type people.

My “baby” is now 6 foot 2.  He is a college man in California.  This is a major problem for me –and not just because I can no longer blame my extra pounds on his birth.  It’s this strange twinge I get in my heart when as I anticipate my new lifestyle, one without basketball games, track meets and proms.

Oh, I know I’ll still be their Mom.  It’s just that those cute little boys are young men now.  It’s the natural order of things.  I’m just surprised it happened so fast.  Within the BLINK of an eye.  At least that’s how it seems!

If I could speak to the hearts of young moms who are just starting out I would say, “Smother them with hugs and kisses.”  Those loving little arms around your neck will soon grow.  Tell them that out of all the children in the world you are so thankful that they are yours.  Tell them that you’re excited, because you know they are going to do great things with their lives.  Build up, don’t tear down.

Cruel words spoken by someone you love can be like a thorn that sticks in your heart for a lifetime.  Home must be a sanctuary where our children are loved and accepted, especially when the world socks them in the nose.  Brag about them while they’re within ear shot.  They need to know that mom thinks they’re tops.  Tell them you love them and repeat it often.  They may roll their eyes at you, but your love gives them confidence.

Tousle their hair when you walk past them.  Ask about their day, and listen to HEAR.

Hug’em!  When our boys went through that time in their lives when they thought my hugs were uncool, I told them I HAD to do it, because if I didn’t give them enough hugs they might grow up to be bank robbers.  It worked.  They haven’t robbed one bank!

This mom didn’t always do it right, but thankfully, my boys are very forgiving.  Kids can forgive parents just about anything if they are confident of our love.  So, you mommies out there, listen to my heart when I say, “hug’em, hug’em, hug’em; and whatever you do don’t blink!


Enjoy this fabulous day with your little ones.  Be in the moment and savor the warmth of their arms around your neck.  I am incredibly thankful to be able to enjoy some treasured time with my husband, Stud Muffin, enjoy a wonderful meal with our oldest, and a fun filled Facetime with our youngest and his family.  I’m filled with gratitude for today and I will be gratefully savoring memories of days gone by!  Happy Mother’s Day!

1 Comment

  • ray ban sonnenbrillen Posted June 16, 2013 3:11 pm

    very good and cool,thank you for your sharing.

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“Your wonderful view of life was so fun and meaningful to all those who had the privilege of attending our Friday evening event. Your ability to share not only your courageous story of surviving (and thriving!) breast cancer but also your message of how the experience blessed your life was so valuable for those attending. Your humor and heart are always evident, whether throughout your written work or through sharing your story. I would be very happy to provide a reference to anyone considering you for a speaking engagement.”


Survivor who uses Humor to help Every pink Ribbon earner Realize they Yet have viability.”


“You and your book “I Don’t Remember Signing up for Cancer!” provided a great draw for our 3rd Annual Breast Cancer Symposium on April 9th. Our attendance more than doubled from last year and the many Breast Cancer Survivors received such a gift by getting to hear your presentation. Your message of humor and hope is a perfect fit for Komen, and I hope other Affiliates are able to enjoy you in the future.”


“The comical author of “I Don’t Remember Signing Up for Cancer!” kept the crowd rolling with laughter Saturday during the Third Annual Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation Lubbock Affiliate’s Breast Cancer Symposium”


“I have worked with Sherry in the past in medical conferences and talks where she has proven to be an outstanding, entertaining, humorous speaker. She has written an excellent book relating her experience as a breast cancer and breast reconstruction patient, and is a uniquely inspiring and entertaining speaker on the subject. Her presentations to both lay and professional audiences are always well received. I would recommend her for such a speaking role without any reservations whatsoever.”


“Thank you very much, Sherry. Humor is indeed healing and you are very skilled in bringing just the right balance to your presentations. Having ‘been there, done that’ is also very important in terms of relating to your audiences. You are a winner and I am pleased to recommend your talents to other Komen Affiliates.”


“Finding just the right speaker can sometimes be challenging, but you were everything we hoped for and more. Our tea is a special day that all our survivors look forward to, a day of celebration and hope. Your talk was uplifting, entertaining and informative.”


“Sherry’s enthusiasm and passion is obvious. At the event, she went guest-to-guest and introduced herself. She made a point to connect with everyone. Sherry’s message is one of faith, family, friends and humor in everyday life, not just when dealing with cancer. She stresses the need for people to be educated about their healthcare choices.”


“Well, you will never forget coming to Connecticut during the blizzard of 2006 and we will never forget how you took our hearts by storm… Your understanding and your ability to transfer such a positive energy will leave a lasting impression on our hearts for a long time to come. My wish is that all patients diagnosed with cancer would have the opportunity to experience all that is ‘Sherry’.”


“We had the pleasure of having Sherry Karuza Waldrip speak at a recent event during National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Ms. Waldrip, a breast cancer survivor, shares her story with humor, compassion and encouragement. Her ability to transition from the difficult topics of diagnosis and treatment to seeking the humor in dealing with doctors and friends make for an inspiring event. Her information is excellent for survivors, family and friends to hear.”

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